Social Media Specialist @Poppyteethwhitening

I first got involved with Poppy Teeth Whitening in January 2022. For my communications writing class, I was asked to write a local feature story. I thought of a cute local Teeth Whitening business in Rexburg, Idaho. They had been open for about two years. I reached out to the owners Chloe and Chance Royce and asked permission to make their business the focus of my feature story. They glady accepted and interviews were set a week later. (Click here to read the feature article, A Professional in Smile Design.)

Meeting them was such a delight. It was great getting to hear their story. A couple of days after the interview, Chloe reached out to me with a job offer to help with a few office errands and help run their Instagram account.  (Text message on the right.)

I was so flattered and excited about the opportunity! A few days later we met to discuss this exciting job opportunity. During our conversation, rather than be an office assistant, it was decided that I would be hired as a social media & events specialist. 

My job duties included: 

– Develop social media strategies through coordinating content design, writing, scheduling posts, and ensuring content is engaging and resonates with the targeted audience. Collaborate with boss Chloe Royce in content creation.  

– Maintain specific brand voice, tone, and aesthetic.  

– Research and stay informed on current social media trends.  

– Post weekly on Instagram and maintain an active and engaging story.  

– Grow followers, engage, and retain them, and help convert them into clients of Poppy Teeth Whitening.  

– Other goals include decreasing response time for direct messages and creating an inviting community 

– Coordinate, plan and participate in community events to increase marketing  

Instagram Page @poppyteethwhitening

Instagram Page: @poppyteethwhitening

Instagram Stories

Self Evaluation

I loved being in this fast-paced, friendly environment! I learned so much in time working with them! I absolutely loved every aspect of working at Poppy Teeth Whitening!  


From day one I came in eager and ready to work! Before I began working there, I silently observed the Poppy Teeth Whitening Instagram page to get to know the brand. Even though I was unfamiliar with some of the assigned tasks, I jumped right in. If I did not understand something I made sure to ask questions and carefully observe my supervisor.  I looked forward to working with them every day.  


I was always very productive during my shifts. I looked for things that needed to be done and did them. For example, we were preparing for an upcoming photoshoot to get more social media content. I voluntarily took the responsibility of organizing a shot list, a props list, and then finding the props at the best price to send to my boss before purchasing them. I was always very organized and immediately put all my meetings and important business dates into my personal calendar. I was also able to lighten other’s workload by quickly responding to the DMs on their social media channels. After a few weeks I had gained enough knowledge and was able to answer more tough questions and concerns that arose from clients and leads, therefore alleviating others’ workload. 


I never wanted my work to simply be a check-the-box item. I always try to put my heart into my work and see how said task could benefit me in the future. When my boss and I were planning or problem solving, I was quick to offer solutions and a new way of looking at things. When we couldn’t decide how to word something or respond in a situation, I offered my perspective as a consumer. When we had to plan giveaways and create new content I brainstormed and sought inspiration through a variety of sources. Outside of work time, I brainstormed lists of content ideas and examples to resolve the audience’s pain points.  


I was never late to work and always stayed the entire time. If I still had more work to do, I would stay longer or complete the work at home after hours. If for some reason I was going to be late or had a conflicting event, such as a doctor’s appointment or meeting with a teacher, I informed my supervisor beforehand. During my shift, I was always on task and made sure to silence my phone from all notification to stay focused. There were a few days that my supervisor was gone for a family funeral. During that time, I arrived to work on time and was entrusted with taking over all the tasks while she was out. 


Many times, my boss, Chloe, commented on my cheerful and positive attitude even in stressful or busy circumstances. She has commented on what a pleasure I am to be around. I work well with my coworkers and took time to get to know them individually. I did not engage in office gossip, politics, or drama and neither did any of my coworkers. I really appreciate the professional and friendly work environment at Poppy Teeth Whitening! If I was unsure about how to do something I asked for clarification. For example, I had a large part in planning multiple social media giveaways & collaborations. However, I didn’t have any previous experience doing either of those things. Instead of guessing, I asked questions, sought directions, and asked for feedback on my work. I now feel confident I could plan another giveaway on my own. 


One example of where I was able to appropriately demonstrate leadership responsibility was during a brand photoshoot. My boss and I worked together to plan the day so everything would run smoothly. However, during the photoshoot we started to fall behind schedule, and I could tell she was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I stepped in and directed the rest of the photoshoot. I reviewed what photos we needed to get and directed the models to where they needed to go. I set up stations to help with the flow of the shoot. This also greatly helped us to catch up with time. By the end of the night, I ensured that all our plans were accomplished, and my supervisor was extremely grateful for my help and leadership responsibility I assumed.


I have definitely built appropriate office friendships and connections with my co-workers and supervisors. I know that we will be able to maintain contact with one another and support one another as we continue to move forward. My bosses asked me to keep working with them virtually over the summer while I am home. I am grateful for the relationships and connections that have been made. 


Yes, I worked hard to make sure I was both professional, concise, and communicated accurate information when responding to messages and emails. I created prewritten responses to frequently asked questions and then edited them on a case-by-case basis. I always reread my messages to check for grammar and spelling errors. Early in the internship, my boss Chloe said she felt confident with me responding to messages because we have a similar “voice” in texting/emailing and I can problem solve quicky. 


I was highly organized and always trusted. There were a few times I was told to clock in after work hours from home. That’s because they trusted me to use my time wisely, effectively and be honest. I am grateful for the amount of trust my bosses have in me. I was very organized in my notetaking, content planning, and put everything on a calendar. I never missed a deadline and kept back-up copies of everything!  


I am confident that Chloe and Chance would recommend me to another hiring manager. The feedback she has given me based on my performance has always been positive. I know she trusts me and appreciates my hardworking, positive attitude in the workplace. Chloe has told me let her know if there is ever anything that she can do for me! I am positive that she would be happy to help in any way!