Goodnight, Moon

For this project my goal was to learn the basics of After Effects to create a cute, playful animation. I wanted the animation to be short, so that I could focus on quality versus length. I watched a variety of cartoons, and I was inspired to make a playful, child-like animation depicting a sunset and night sky. I envisioned each color of the sunset rising one by one. Then, the sunset would disappear behind the mountain range and a sparkling night sky would rise. More than anything I wanted people to smile and feel happy when they watch my animation! 

Programs Used: Adobe llustrator and After Effects

Scribble Time!

With those thoughts in mind, I began sketching my design. During the sketching process, I thought about what pieces of the illustration would need to move independently. I drew out all the pieces individually and made a storyboard for the animation. I wanted to highlight every detail of the illustration, so I decided to have each element pop up individually. 

After I had a promising idea of what I wanted my final animation to look like I began designing. First, I created the graphics in Illustrator, ensuring each moving element was placed in its own layer. Next, I imported the Illustrator file into After Effects. Before animating I took the time to learn the program. I watched lots of videos, talked with my professors, and took lots of notes. Eventually, I felt confident enough to begin the animation.  

Rough Draft

Advice & Application

This was the draft version of my animation. I was honestly happy with my rough draft version. I decided to add music to the background which I absolutely loved! It really helped to tie the whole piece together! I am so grateful for my peers and teacher that gave me great feedback. To make the movements less mechanical, I was told to overlap the rising pieces of the sunset. Additionally, to make the movements more fluid I was told to use the keyframe assistant with easy ease. The final bit of advice I received was to change the stars. In my draft the stars had small round circles at the end of each point. However, I was told they look out of place because everything else in the graphic has sharp points.  
I took that feedback and incorporated it into the design. I overlapped each rising element and converted all the key frames to easy ease. This significantly helped the design to be smoother. I also went back to Illustrator and created new stars for the design. Additionally, I changed the background color of the design to make it happier and more playful. I was happy with the changes!  

Ta-da!!! Final Animation

I love the way the finished animation turned out! The idea in my head really came to life! I think the simplicity of the design, the colors and the music all work together to create a happy and playful animation. I could definitely see something like this in a children’s cartoon. I also learned the basics of After Effects and I am confident that I could recreate this design in about a third of the time. I am excited to learning this program. I showed my final animation to multiple people and their reaction upon watching it was, “aw that’s cute!” Mission accomplished!!